Friday, October 10, 2008

Seeking Rejuvenation

I ve jus got out of College..Life was Going good..i felt i was on the top of the world...Cherished living life..but my happier days are over as of now...Oops!!! Sorry...for i haven't said what made me happy and what robbed the a bit the virtue of that i managed to get placed in an MNC in my pre-final year...Ecstasy licked me...Life seemed so easy..but all that jus for a year.
Now am an Engineering graduate Searching for jobs...Things Have turned Upside Down..The US Financial Melt Down has not spared me date of joining is getting delayed..neither i find a new job...feeling completly lost(yes..Am losing a hardly fought battle!!)..

My Lord,pls tell me..

Will this dark cloud pass quickly?

Do i Have a way out?